The Divine Audit Part 1 – Luke 13:1-5

When we see tragedies and bad things happen to people many people ask the question “If there really is a God then why did this happen to these people but not to that person?”  “Why these people but not those people?”

“Why did this person have a bad thing happen but not that one?”
This is a variation of the timeless question
Why do bad things happen to good people?”

There are many answers to consider and but one BiteByte of truth can be taken directly from mouth of Jesus himself as he taught about an incident “in the news” that occurred during his the time of his ministry on earth.

Why bad things happen to people? Jesus comments! (Luke 13:1-5 NIV)

[reftagger title=””]Luke 13:1-5 (KJV)[/reftagger]

1 About this time Jesus was informed that Pilate had murdered some people from Galilee as they were offering sacrifices at the Temple.

2 “Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered?
3 Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God.

4 And what about the eighteen people who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them? Were they the worst sinners in Jerusalem?
5 No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too.”

The Christian one two three combo!

A careful and honest study of the Word of God reveals very clearly that the Father designed the Christian life to begin by being fully charged with a POWERFUL 1, 2, 3 combination.

For a boxer a fundamental combination like a Left, Right forms a basic attack.  The bible tells us that we are in a mortal fight that is not against flesh & blood but is spiritual in nature.

The Christian Life combination is designed by the Creator himself to meet the challenges He knows we face in our most important battle.

Its combination charged with the love of God packed with Grace & Power for the new life of a new creature.

This combination is more than enough to equip the Christian and counter the 1,2,3 punch which we face in living an overcoming spiritual life and finishing the race that is set before us.

  1. The New Birth
  2. The Baptism of Water
  3. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Unity Scriptures – Multiplied and Exponential Power!

Power that comes with unity.

Leviticus 26:8

Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

Five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand, and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

Joshua 23:10 

How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up?

One man of you puts to flight a thousand, since it is the Lord your God who fights for you, just as he promised you.

Deuteronomy 32:30 

How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up?

Unity Scriptures – How good and pleasant

Blessing that comes with unity.

1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!

2 It is like the precious ointment poured on the head, that ran down on the beard, even the beard of Aaron [the first high priest], that came down upon the collar and skirts of his garments [consecrating the whole body].

3 It is like the dew of [lofty] Mount Hermon and the dew that comes on the hills of Zion; for there the Lord has commanded the blessing, even life forevermore [upon the high and the lowly].

Unity Scriptures – Nothing impossible

Even when the purpose is rebellion, Unity has power!

5 The LORD came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.

6 The LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.

7 “Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”

Genesis 11:6