3 Embryos

3 Zygotes Story

Did you hear the one where the 3 zygotes walk into a womb?

There was 3 embryos in the belly of their mother: the little believer, the little doubter, the little sceptic.

The little doubter: do you guys believe in life after birth?   The little believer:  Sure I do.  It seems pretty obvious to me that our life here is meant to make us grow.  It must be preparing us for the after birth, so that we will be strong enough and ready for whatever is waiting for us.

The little sceptic: Nonsense. It doesn’t exist. How would it look like, life after birth?

The little believer: I don’t really know myself but I just looking at what’s happening here in this world, my guess, it will be brighter than here.  The way our bodies are changing in here, I’m sure out there one day we will walk around with our legs and we will be able to eat with our mouth!

The little sceptic: Are you nuts? Us walking around is impossible and eating with our mouth is a stupid idea.  That’s just wishful thinking. The umbilical cord feeds us already. There is no life after birth.
Besides, the umbilical cord is now already too short.

The little believer: I’m sure there is, more, its the only way this all makes sense. It will be just a different life.
The little sceptic: Nobody ever came back from life after birth. It means, life ends with the birth.

The little believer: Even if I don’t know how life after birth looks like, I know we are finally gonna see our mother.
The little sceptic: Mother? you believe in a mother? Where is she?
The little believer: She’s here! Isn’t it clear? She’s everywhere around us. We live in her, we live through her . Without her, we wouldn’t exist.

The little sceptic: Stop it. I’ve never seen her so she doesn’t exist.
The little believer:  Yeah, but there’s plenty of other signs of mother. Sometimes, when we are very quiet, you can hear her singing, you can feel it when she touches gently our world.

Anyway, I believe that our real life begins after birth….

— Original Source: unknown. Adapted by Dr. Morris Hunter

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