Prophetic utterance: “The way maker”

Prophetic utterance received 4/15/2001

They that continue in my Word are my true disciples.

Be a student of my Word.   Seek my face.
Thirst after righteousness and you shall be filled.

I AM the living water, a living vine that you are a part of.
My Spirit births in you my desires and thoughts.

Put on my Son’s thoughts.  You are in Him, complete and set apart for me.  Keep your heart pure and allow me to cultivate my fruit in you.

Despise not the gifts that are given by my Holy Spirit.
Ministry is moving in my Spirit and demonstrating my love to set the captive free, to bring strength to the faint in heart, to return the lost and expel darkness.

I AM the way maker. 

I will restore the lost and make known to the world my glory.

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