What theologians call “General Revelation” leaves men Without ExcuseRomans 1:20The Bible here teaches, “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.” What does it mean that people are without excuse? Theology has been downgraded in the minds of secularized people, which is most of what we call the western world now. Theology being the study of the God and things related to the Creator is thought of as inferior to what is called “science”. Never mind that things which are often called “science” do not even fit under their own definition of science. As a result “Theologians” are disrespected and largely disregarded by the by the many millions of us who have been indoctrinated with secular thought. God declares to us however that this study of “Him” i.e. “Theology” is in fact the most important study of all and that He has given us more than enough information to get started on the path. BiteByte on this piece of truth: The key word to consider in this secular vs theological thought comparison is the word EVIDENCE. Paul asserts that God’s invisible attributes are clearly perceived by EVIDENCE that is not invisible. The attributes include His eternal power and divine nature, two aspects of God available to every person since the creation of the world. How were these attributes seen? The needed evidence is in the things that have been made. Ps. 19:1-4 1 The heavens declare the glory of God, 3 There is no speech, nor are there words, The created universe reveals there is a Creator, plain and simple, and the argument every “Atheist” or “Agnostic” will ultimately have to make is an argument with the Creator Himself. Included in this general revelation is also a conscience which is a built-in, intrinsic sense of right and wrong but we will leave that discussion for another BiteByte. The assertion here is that all people are without excuse for at the very least failing to recognize that God IS and that they should seek Him. The natural, visible, tangible world is what scripture asserts here will the be the FIRST BASIS of EVIDENCE which God will judge ALL HUMAN BEINGS by. This primary evidence is part of what theologians call “general revelation“. This is EVIDENCE that available to ALL PEOPLE everywhere which the Creator expects some recognition of and some action based upon. The expected action is to SEEK HIM. Evidence is given to all people that there is a Creator who is by clear inference of what we can see and observe EXTREMELY POWERFUL and OUTRAGEOUSLY intelligent. We should also infer that the Creator is worthy of worship before we even move on to investigate special revelation which indeed we should investigate. Selah