BST Series
- God of Science:
- Conversations: Evolution, Poor Design, No Design
- Conversations: The 6000 year question
- Thomas Paine on God & Science
- 1 Timothy 6:20 False Science
- Dinosaurs and the Bible – Forbidden History
- Egyptian engraving from 1207 BC place Israelites in Canaan Present Day Israel
- Dinosaurs and the Bible – T-REX Skull
I found it very interesting that Presidential Candidate Ben Carson addressed a question and a issue which I often see discussed and debated and some length in discussions related to origins.
The question is about the age of the earth as it relates to “Creationism”. Creationism is a phrase I put in quotes because I find so much ignorance and fallacy as to what our modern secular society thinks these things mean.
At any rate I found it very interesting that Ben Carson tired to answer the question very similar to the way I usually answer it. The topic can lead also to the Theological topic and debate on the “Gap Theory” or in some way explaining that the Bible does not specify an age of the earth.
This thread is from conversations I’ve participated in on the topic.